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Would you like to learn more about the Jake Walk?
As this research project develops, you will be able to follow along with newly released publications, podcasts, music, and blog postings. In the meantime, please feel free to browse the following existing sources.

Michele Norris Interviews John Morgan “Jake Leg: An Affliction and the Blues It Inspired,” NPR (2003).

Dan Baum, “Jake Leg,” The New Yorker (2003).
John P. Morgan, “The Jamaica Ginger Paralysis,” JAMA 248 (1982): 1864–1867.
John P. Morgan and Patricia Penovich. “Jamaica Ginger Paralysis: A Forty-Seven Year Follow-up,” Arch Neurol. 35 (1978): 530-532.
John P. Morgan and Thomas C. Tulloss, “The Jake Walk Blues: A Toxicologic Tragedy Mirrored in American Popular Music,” Ann. Int. Med., 85 (1976): 804-808.
John Parascandola, “Pharmacology and Public Health: The Jamaica Ginger Paralysis Episode of the 1930s,” Pharmacy in History, 36, 3 (1994): 123-131.
John Parascandola, “The Jamaica Ginger Paralysis Episode of the 1930s.,” HerbalGramm 34, 28 (1995) American Botanical Council.
John Parascandola, “The Public Health Service and Jamaica Ginger Paralysis in the 1930s,” Public Health Reports, 110, 3 (1995).